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taylormade August 29th, 2012 12:48

Taylormades money making mackem scheme
Its easy £10 on their opponents in every premiership game,

Arsenal 0-0 -£10
:clap::clap::clap: mackems played 11 defenders and never had a shot on goal

bennythedip2 August 29th, 2012 15:49

Well, "who can ya turn to" ?? :scribe:

I know,,,,, 'tiredeyes' (Tom) will put you right :loveme:

taylormade August 29th, 2012 16:45

this week Swansea will get me into profit @ 5/4 with boylesports.

tiredeyes August 31st, 2012 09:54

I remember when MON first came and he said he understands as a manager "we're in the results business" - it stuck in my mind that.

Ten men defending isn't exciting but a point at Arsenal is a good result, I expect more 10 men defending results but now we have some attacking options I also expect a top ten finish.

You will lose money in this scheme this year, my unfortunate Geordie friend.

taylormade September 1st, 2012 19:20

Down -£20 after another resiliant display by sunderland, Im still hopefull of a longterm profit on this bet,
I never thought I would be playing catch up on this bet,but now i started I cant leave it,


tiredeyes September 2nd, 2012 18:48

We won't lose 10 games this season, you're a solid favourite to finish a few notes lighter.


taylormade September 15th, 2012 20:44

Liverpool 20 shots , sunderland 6 shots , with my luck sunderland will draw every game except the two that really matter,
my easy money making scheme has cost me £30 so far, Im starting to dislike them even more which is difficult.
Were you there today Tom and what was your impartial verdict on the game ?

tiredeyes September 16th, 2012 13:47

We were lucky to have drawn, we were not match fit which showed in the last 30mins, we have little strength in depth, a few unlucky injuries and that'll be that for the season.

Why don't you cut your losses on this strategy and I'll give you a little sweat, we get beat 10 times or less this season and you give me £50, we get beat 11+ times, you get £50, this includes the cup competitions which is pretty much guaranteeing you 2 losses, unless we get beat in two semi-final legs :C which would be worse for me !!

taylormade September 16th, 2012 17:07

think your offer is too generous tiredeyes, It would hurt me too much to give you £50 if the impossible happened and im skint as I spent all my money on my new car, saying that it would hurt me just as much if the bet was a tenner, but will have this wager with you for a tenner,Im sticking to my original plan as im confident the likes of southampton,stoke,norwich,west ham will pump you at decent odds and obviously the derbies should be easy money too, gl, hopefully sunderland will stay up on goal difference.

tiredeyes September 16th, 2012 17:14

I think I'd have much more pleasure watching you lose money on this bet than gaining a tenner, so just for fun then.

Bet the insurance for a Jag owned by a Geordie and getting parked in Newcastle was a f*cking phenomenal amount !!


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