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Old July 27th, 2008, 17:00
only1herbie only1herbie is offline  
Oldham’s premier stud(retired)
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 4,023
Default Life Balance

It’s a question of life balance, back in the 80s and 90s I would have “out” of the house at least 6 nights out of the week. When you discover online poker it is like a drug and extremely addictive and the nights out quickly reduce. My mates now have to book weeks in advance for me to go out and then if I am feeling good about my poker I wont show. I have been over the past few months been thinking like Joejim and now you Benny should I give up online poker. It was a good source of income but now it is getting increasingly hard to show a profit. I don’t think I am ready or able to stop playing online yet but over the next few months I am going to try and reset my life balance and try and spend time with real people in the real world.

Benny I hope you find the “Buzz” you once had and on a selfish note I hope you continue to post your “live” horse info.
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