Thread: Benny
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Old October 14th, 2011, 07:47
only1herbie only1herbie is offline  
Oldham’s premier stud(retired)
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Originally Posted by taylormade View Post
Definitely coming to Nottingham for the weekend,looking forward to it. More than likely play in the comp,definitely be visiting the bar. Think a few non-poker but heavy drinking pals coming too,so I have to wait to sort out accomodation. I had a nightmare finding DTD club a few years back,my sat nav kept taking me to a retail park about 3 miles away from the club,after several[hundred] circuits of town centre , I paid a taxi driver a tenner to go there and I followed him. Will be staying at the hilton,milton street, £59 twin room. stayed here before,wheres Herbie staying ? roll on november 19th.
Unfortunately there is absolutely no chance of me making it down to this, much as would have loved too. Lots of things going on at the moment, new woman, moving house, holidays = no time for poker!! Hope you boys smash it up though!!
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