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Pkrplaya February 27th, 2009 21:12

I cant watch tv anymore incase TK is on, really pisses me off.

Pkrplaya February 27th, 2009 21:15

Just remeber benny,bounties are better collected later. Take 5 at a time instead of 1. :cool:

bennythedip2 February 27th, 2009 21:24

Chance would be a fine thing .. only 1000 chips me ...:gh:

bennythedip2 February 27th, 2009 21:35

oyi oyi
Now taken 2 bounties ..:loveme: up to 7k 8-P

Pkrplaya February 27th, 2009 21:37

Nice one, im card dead :'D 1300

Pkrplaya February 27th, 2009 21:43

Im out to a ******* runner runner flush, what a nob. :C

Tony2005 February 27th, 2009 21:43

come on guys....we want winners on this forum....

Pkrplaya February 27th, 2009 21:45

What a waste of money that was, and only 2000 starting chips, Il stick to bingo it lasts longer.

bennythedip2 February 27th, 2009 21:48

i get a large Malt
And it went to my head ... pushed allin with AQ sooted called by A 10 and the 10 came on the turn ....:'D And the rest was history ..TILT :eek!: and gone .. took 2 bounties so no harm done :gh:

bennythedip2 February 27th, 2009 21:59

im in the velocity ...all action 7min blinds.....:eek!: big balls needed for this calling only betting:loveme:...i wonder what odds on how long we last :brains:

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