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Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 23:57

Mr fooking aggressive....
Less the 10 mins in get pkt 10s.....raise to 400 bb goes all in i push see 99.............o:Do:D


Pkrplaya February 9th, 2009 23:58

Im out 209th :'D

QK against AA and AJ flop of KJ i push allin.
AJ won.

Tony2005 February 10th, 2009 00:00

At least Laddies were consistant to the end......:eek!:

Worst hand in always wins............:C

Pkrplaya February 10th, 2009 00:02

Lets see what happens 2moro, might need a new alias. o:D

Tony2005 February 10th, 2009 00:05

yea i heard that....dont know why as Laddies were there long before the rest....

Pkrplaya February 10th, 2009 00:06

Its bound to be chaos. I can see all sorts of fck ups happening if Ladjokes are involved. Should be fun o:D

Tony2005 February 10th, 2009 00:11

You just know it...
hopefully they will fook up the money side and we will get more in our accounts then we had....o:D


legin1961 February 10th, 2009 09:20

good thread , i changing my notes from tony the pussy , to tony the tiger. gl tony, my advice never try to creep up the ladder m8, always go for win , it will pay in the long run.
we never stop learning m8 benny, herbie and taylor r, known muffs , heed there advice and u will be gggggggrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttt

Tony2005 February 10th, 2009 09:25


Originally Posted by legin1961 (Post 22252)
good thread , i changing my notes from tony the pussy , to tony the tiger. gl tony, my advice never try to creep up the ladder m8, always go for win , it will pay in the long run.
we never stop learning m8 benny, herbie and taylor r, known muffs , heed there advice and u will be gggggggrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttt

Thanks Nigel....ive now come to realise you are all right with your thoughts on im going to try to take that out of my game and go for more wins......8-P

I always wanted to be called "Tony the Tiger" but was hoping it would have been in the bedroom.......:eek!:

Oh well at least the poker tables are a atert...........o:D

Pkrplaya February 10th, 2009 13:53

About 3 oclock i hear until sites up and running again. Been trying to think of new alias as im sure mine wont be available, nothing yet. Any suggestions? lol

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