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Tony2005 February 7th, 2009 18:16

Tonights 2 day deepstack....
Just started.....not a big field this week but some very good players ....:eek!:

Should be some good poker played...8-P

Part-Timer February 7th, 2009 18:24

I assume by that you haven't entered ;)

bally73 February 7th, 2009 18:26

goodluck in that Tony
i'm off to phone all the phone tipster lines to get some tips for next saturday :-O
showed a little profit today with 4 winners and 2 seconds shame i didn't have all the winners in one bet :-C

Tony2005 February 7th, 2009 18:35


Originally Posted by Part-Timer (Post 22092)
I assume by that you haven't entered ;)

Yes PT im in....think i said "some" obviously not by me though...o:D

Tony2005 February 7th, 2009 18:37


Originally Posted by bally73 (Post 22093)
goodluck in that Tony
i'm off to phone all the phone tipster lines to get some tips for next saturday :-O
showed a little profit today with 4 winners and 2 seconds shame i didn't have all the winners in one bet :-C

Yes m8 some heavy studying needed......but some very good winners today..

Tony2005 February 7th, 2009 21:06

Believe it or not....
were down to 9 already.......never seen so many go so quick in a 30min blind deepstack......:eek!:

Tony2005 February 7th, 2009 22:35

End of day one......
Seven left and fairly tight for the top spot although im just shading it........B (:

Need a good start tomorrow to better my 3 third place finishes....8-P

taylormade February 8th, 2009 11:17

Dont be shy to ask Mr bb the questions, one first is the same as 3 third places, if you sit and wait for cash,next time you look, you are short and desperate for cards,get them chips in the middle and dont forget 7h 9h is the dogs bollox. I not being nasty but last time i watched a little of your final table play, you were very soft and didnt gamble until you were forced,get them chips in the middle and be lucky,

good luck

taylormade ,

ps, I nearly forgot, protect your bb at all costs

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 11:44

Thanks Taylor...
Funny enough i had the same conversation with Benny the other night and have also been told this by Herbie....

Yes maybe i play a little too tight when nearing the cash....

I am a fairly aggresive player when im in chip control so what i have to do now with my game is to get this agression into it when im not quite so big stacked......

Last night in the hand you saw when i made the raise after the river i had....quad 8s....:eek!:

I really thought he was going to push ....:'D

bennythedip2 February 8th, 2009 15:19

Good Luck o:D Remember also players have notes and they may have you down as a 'rock' and will pass to a bet or re-raise !!!

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 15:43


Originally Posted by bennythedip2 (Post 22124)
Good Luck o:D Remember also players have notes and they may have you down as a 'rock' and will pass to a bet or re-raise !!!

yes mate ....but dont you mean ...cock ....:eek!:

only1herbie February 8th, 2009 15:57

Well Tony, we can’t all be wrong!! What I will say is that it is easier for us to tell you than for you to put it into practice! While Tailormade made some valid points I am not a great believer in “defending your blind at all cost” . You need to decide if someone is “at it” or they have a genuine hand. If you think they are “at it” punish them with a re raise!! I think if you introduced the “re raise” into your game the rest of your game (particularly your ability to lay big hands down) stands up very well. Good luck!!

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 16:12

Thanks Herbie....
I have tried to put this into my game a bit more over the last few months but even though i have improved this part of my game i have to agree im still a little weak when it comes to the re raise....

Tonight i will try to sit tight for a bit as there is only one more place to go until the cash and then open up a bit and try to build a stack that i can be agressive with and hopefully take me on to a win.....B (:

bennythedip2 February 8th, 2009 18:02

about BB's
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the thing of it, if your in the big blind with lets say 9 5 o/s and say 4 players have flat called...well of course your going to check and be ready to check pass to any bet, as ive said to you, with any 2 cards ask yourself what flop do you want to see....:h?: Well with 9 5 o/s there's not many combination's from about 1600 that will help because you have 4 players waiting who probably have better starting hands.
Sure if it flops 678 ...99A ..55Q ..952..or something in this nature your going to be interested but a flop like 6 7 J you can check pass to a bet.
The main thing is at what stage the tournament is at and what the chip stacks are at your table. Early on there's no need to be busy, and on the final table you can usually wait for an opportunity when you are the aggressor raising from position of the cut/off or button..
However defending your blinds can be a good move when using the first example of 9/5 o/s and 4 players have only flat called, lets say you have a semi-premium hand off QJ sooted or A9 (pretty hands), It's worth betting another 2 BB's (again this depends at what stage the tournament is at)..By raising here you've put the next 3 players under pressure because they may be thinking if they call they might get a re-raise from the last player to act !!
It's not likely you'll get them all to pass but if you do it's great because you've sent out a warning that you wont be pushed around and you've taken down a pot without a flop. Lets say you get 'one' caller, well thats fine as well because think of this, 'no matter what cards they are holding , whats the chance of them hitting a flop':h?:
This is a crucial thought in how you play tournament poker ..Think about it, what cards could they have held to only call and not re-raise and what are the chances from a 1600 combination are they likely to hit, of course not !! :brains:...So it's also now down to 'bottle' can you bet into a flop, or re-raise a bet.. Nearly every player, when they see a flop thinks has that helped the other player and when he/she bets they think it has :scribe: OK your not going to put your tournament on the line by betting 'all-in' but if you ask the question with a bet, you'll get your answer if they call or re-raise, then you know they have a part of the flop or are looking for the 'turn' card.
Another example to do with the BB or any position really is, lets say you had JJ and treble the blinds and get a caller, the flop comes Jh 10h 3h ..It's you to bet 3 times the blinds :brains: and the other player comes right back and Say's "all-in" which commite's you to your tournament.. you could pass and say,"Ok i believe you have the flush" and think you can still get into the money, or you can say, "have they played, say Ah Js and think they are winning with top pair and nut flush draw" :scribe:
Remember, there comes a time it tournaments sometimes, when you have to say," Oh well, good luck to you if you have the flush, i have top trips and cant pass" !! Even if they have the flush you still have 'outs'....
Tournaments are won and lost on these decisions but the example ive just explained is a no-brain-er... Ive always said, when you look back at a tournament win, there are usually 'three' big hands that swung it your way, you need luck as well as a bit of skill, and above all you need the poker/fairy sitting on your shoulder at the right moment o:)

glk benny:flyaway:

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 18:27

Thanks Benny...
A great post and many helpful hints...

All three posts by yourself, Herbie and Taylor have all made complete sense and now i have to put all these things into my game...

I think my game has come along a lot in the last few months with the advice i have been given and hopefully putting all this together will give me some good wins this year....B (:

As usual....Thanks Guys ...:clap::clap:

only1herbie February 8th, 2009 18:34

I just saw Tony re raise on the big blind :clap::clap:

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 19:24

Its starting to sink in...
8-PB (:o:D:brains::eek!:

bennythedip2 February 8th, 2009 20:06

;)...Well, what you also have to take on board, is when you know you are doing the right things, sometimes you cant understand why others do the things they do :h?: That's why it makes this game so hard to grasp, it knocks your confidence :-C All you can do is 'grin and bear' it, and move on. Take the beats when they come and don't go back over it, we all get them !!:'D

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 20:47

2 hours in and one out yet.....

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 21:14

just havnt had a hand...
Short stacked now down to 13k........:'D

still no one out.......:eek!:

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 22:17

The word im looking for....

How i managed to get into the money with less then 10k in chips for most of the last 70 mins i will never know....:h?:

The poker fairy must be sitting on my shoulder tonight...B (:

Still in but only just.....4 left.

Tony2005 February 8th, 2009 22:27

Oh well....
out in 4th........but $150 not too bad...:cool:

only1herbie February 9th, 2009 09:37

Tony, watched you a bit last night. Benny is 100% right and you do need to have the “gamble” facility in your game. The number of times you folded to a raise or a re raise ultimately “did for you”. What where you doing when you held back the 610 chips and then folding to the re raise??? It’s all in or fold poker at that stage!! I know it’s hard to put your chips in with a bag of spanners, but you have to try if you want to win games.

The two things you implement immediately though are,
Stop showing hands!! (Let their own mind tell them what you have)
Stop sympathising with other players (why appologise for raising the small stacks BB?)

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 09:58

Im just too nice a person for this poker malarky......o:D

To be honest i started out raising and re raising and got a few chips together but then i ran into a few big hands and went down to half my original stack....

For about an hour and a half i think i only had two good hands that i could attack with (pkt Qs and AK suited)....

Then i just had to sit tight and wait for a chance.......unfortunatly it never really came and i was a bit lucky that two players went out quickly enabling me to cash.....

The holding back 610 chips was done in jest really as i only had 35 and the old saying "a chip and a chair" springs to mind....actually i did get back to 10k but pushed all in with pkt 6s only to be rivered ......:'D

Anyway this morning in the sunrise i played a much more aggressive game and was 2nd in chips going to the final table.....

Once again i had a few big hands get turned over and although i played a lot more agressive i finally went out 5th with pkt Kings to pocket nines....:eek!:

Was going for the win but came up short......8-P

Oh yes i will try not to show any hands when i play.....i thought sometimes that works in my favour for when i decide to bluff...? :brains:

only1herbie February 9th, 2009 10:06

Yes, I saw you get back to about 10k and was disappointed because I knew it would reinforce your reluctance to shove your chips in. But with the 66 you should have shoved all your chips in pre flop.
Why would you want to show a bluff??? I would rather people thought I was a card rack, showing a bluff only increases the odds of being called next time you bluff or worse being out drawn when you have a big hand.

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 10:11

yep good point...
And of course you are right....

Yes i need to take a serious look at these plays and put them into my game...

Im sure if i can introduce these to my game it will once again improve..

Always good to get your thoughts m8 and as you know they have improved my game a bundle over the last few months.....

only1herbie February 9th, 2009 10:16

Don’t be too disheartened!! You are making the cash in many of mtts you play, but you need to turn the 4th and 5th places into 1st and 2nds.

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 10:21


Originally Posted by only1herbie (Post 22160)
Don’t be too disheartened!! You are making the cash in many of mtts you play, but you need to turn the 4th and 5th places into 1st and 2nds.

I wont be m8.....:'D:'D

No seriously your right.......i should be winning many more Mtts then i do and those points that have been mentioned are the reason why im not......

taylormade February 9th, 2009 13:37

I watched a little and you were playing good aggressive poker,think you were chippie , went for a cuppa and chat with the dog, came back and you done loads of chips,shed started moaning and crying about something , he does this alot in my opinion, and used this as an excuse to get aggressive and bully table, only watched for another 10 mins or so, did shed win ? his play to get to chippie, was good aggressive poker and theres things to be learned from his play, When you were chippie , think you should of pushed on and gambled more, theres always risk you crash and burn, but thats poker. think i play next weekend and teach you all how to play poker,the hunger is returning, but when all is said and done, you cashed and made $s and this is half the battle, think you find when you get more aggressive you wont cash as many times, but you make up difference with better results, and poker definitely more fun when you throwing chips around. gl

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 13:48

Thanks Taylor...
Yes it started to go a little wrong after about an in a big pot with nothing on the board holding AJ i raised b4 the flop....i raised after the flop and again after the turn but with a board of 26489 i couldnt get SHED off his AQ........:'D

Then he started on about the bloke next to him raising him when he was discoed.

Now ive played a lot with this bloke (The Banker) and he has never been anything but a gent......

We all agreed that it didnt show Shed as being discoed so just though he had timed ut playing another table......:eek!:

He wasnt having any of it even though 5 people agreed with the fact no discoed was shown......:h?:

But it doesnt take much for old Sheddy to go off on one......8-P

In the end he lost out to THE BANKER in a heads up.......I didnt stick around for the plesantries after......o:D

You are all right though i will be playing to win more as from today.....B (:

taylormade February 9th, 2009 19:08

why not continue the bet after river card or was shed committed to the call as he no chips left,If he had more than 7k left and pot was 20k,put him all-in and take the gamble he fold,good luck next week. Im in training for it now.

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 19:25

No m8
i think Shed was always going to call.....once he gets the idea hes putting chips in its easier to get Rick Waller away from the all you can eat pizza shop ......then to get Shed to lay a hand down...8-P

Pkrplaya February 9th, 2009 19:30

yet again calling pot sized bets all the way to the river and hitting gutshot straight. Looks like another fun night for me. :eek!:

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 22:11

Just playing the $6 turbo...
With my new aggressive style..........:eek!::eek!:

Pkrplaya February 9th, 2009 22:57

Gd luck, i just played the $4 highstack. 3hrs 20mins to come 42/346 paid 40 :'D
Allin on button with 10,4 to steal blinds, called by AJ flop AJ. Sometimes you just feel in your stomach that you shouldnt do it, that was one of those times. :eek!: Oh well not worth creeping into the money for about $2 prize. o:D

Pkrplaya February 9th, 2009 23:02

I see you made a final table finish :clap: New aggresive Tony any gd then?

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 23:05

Yes m8...
out 9th.....:'D

blinds were 20k and 15k.......unluckily for me the two short stacks survived before the blinds got to me otherwise i would have been 7th at worst...

had 1900 left in had 3 5 i had 10 8 and he hit his 3 otherwise i would have lasted at least another place b4 the blinds came round again...:'D

that could have been worth another $100..........:eek!:

errr..maybe i will let you know about the over aggressive play in a few days....

taylormade February 9th, 2009 23:06

tony has serious issues to overcome,i seen many bad folds in my time , but to fold for your last $1k into a $70k pot is lunacy,for the sake of possibley creeping up one or two places,you had so many oppurtunities to push and didnt , I started to feel unwell.

Tony2005 February 9th, 2009 23:08

Now im going 2 play..
The crapshoot.............:eek!:

The last tournie on Laddies before they migrate......8-P

Pkrplaya February 9th, 2009 23:08

lol Taylor :eek!: Wouldn't like to be your student o:D

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