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Chris Howarth 45 March 17th, 2016 16:50

Wenger, Time to go?
A subject that has been spoken about for many weeks. Arsene Wenger to stay or to go? The experienced French manager has been holding onto his post with minimum success since 2005. That means for over 11 years Arsenal have been stuck on a spiral of making a marquee signing, get fans hopes high, title challengers at Christmas, it all crumbles in February and the the Wenger out brigade charge out in full force once again. Its a never ending circle that has to change.

Arsenal need to find a manager who has it in him to spend on multiple big players and change their tactical style to beat top sides (much like Chelsea have done in the past). It's all okay to beat the lower league sides but if you cannot do it against top four teams then you will always be outside the title race. Arsenal have a terrible record against the so called big four of the premier league. To get to their once title winning self, they need to acquire their unbeatable ways much of the past in their invincible year. However will that happen under Wenger? When you have a manager who won't spend £200 million given to him on signing stars then I can't see Arsenal recovering their great status any time soon. If Arsene Wenger is still at the realms of Arsenal next season then they can kiss goodbye to any title chances unless the man makes severe changes.

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