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RED666 August 25th, 2007 12:00

The other TalkSport.
Hi all,

i suspect i should started the rant below in a new thread rather than mix it in with predictions? i'm still learning about this forum lark!

While i think of it, are any of you keen listeners to TAKSPORT the radio station? Do any of the ex pros wind you up with constant sucking up to the past and present players?
E.g. will you ever hear Ray Houghton talk about Steven 'Two Foot' Gerrard, Micky Quinn mention about Alan 'the elbows' Shearer, Jason Cundy talk about Joe 'tumbling' Cole or Paddy Crerand mention about Chris 'he fell over' Ronaldo's antics, to be fair to the winker, he has dramatically cleaned up his act - is there an A in winker?

bennythedip2 August 25th, 2007 14:06

Red666 , :D love it, hmm i seem to remember a couple of your phone In's to that radio station , and you sent JC (i think it was) off to calm himself down !! I was in hysterics ,well played !! benny

RED666 August 25th, 2007 16:44

I've got a season ticket for phoning in and having a pop at the sycophantic ex footbalers come presenters! Particularly Jason Cundy, Micky Quinn or Alan Brazil. The ex pros are very quick to call most foreign players cheats, more so if they are of little consequence, but you'll never hear Micky Quin call Steven 'two foot' Gerrard a cheat for diving or call Alan 'elbows' Shearer a thug for kicking Neil Lennon in the head off the ball a few years ago!

It's just a little bug bear of mine with the other one of the greed in football!

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