Hi Red666
Yes, it does happen.
I wonder how these cheats would fair in the old days when players got away with tackles they never would today, hard men like Norman Hunter or Nobby Stiles, or going back further to great Pompey players like Jimmy Scoular, a tough little Scot who took no prisoners, in the team that won the league twice in a row in 1948/9 and 1949/50.
We were the Chelsea's and Man United's of today then, the best team in the land. I don't think they cheated then, just very skilful and hard. Many would hardly ever play today because they would always be banned. That was when footballers were men, not soft cheats?!. I wonder how todays' so-called superstars would cope when the ball istelf was as hard as nails, as well as other players.
One of our players of the Championship years Duggie Reid, kicked the ball so hard, he scored even if it hit the keeper. Both keeper and ball ended up in the back of the net. He also broke a few nets and goal posts. These balls were also laced which hurt like hell itself when it hit you.
They have it really cushy now, and paid a fortune where stars of the past got very little?!.
Last edited by Pompeyfan; August 25th, 2007 at 18:40.