Thread: hi guys
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Old August 25th, 2007, 21:14
joejim joejim is offline
Dedicated Punter
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: dublin,ireland
Posts: 1,239
Default hi guys

great forum,benny.and the rest of the all know who you looking forward to contribiting lots going start by giving detailed times of sprinters over 5 furlongs,give the forum a good working knowledge of times,i find it very profitable,and in time do the six and seven furlong exspecially intrested in the jumps and irish racing,do my best to give any tips and fancies that come my way.i am also very intrested in maybe the forum in time being able to purchase our own horse,they are plentyfull at present buyers market.and here in ireland its so much cheaper to train and get deals.just a thought.looking forward to reading all posts and stories no matter how big or small,get them in,lets read.looking forward to making this my new home and to make loads of new friends.good luck .guys .lets build this site into a great knowledgable place ,where in a instant we can get the average good time for a sprinter over a distance,in a instant we can see if a course is right or left handed,where stalls favour certain a instant we can see if there is a up hill finish.any kind of an edge can make the difference between winning or losing.i would like to see a sticky thread daily,called WONT WIN TODAY,MY BEST LAY...a thread for laying horses,give your reasons,and any info you might have to supporT this..KEEP THE IDEAS COMING LADS,GET INVOLVED ITS YOUR SITE
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