Thread: Predictions?
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Old August 25th, 2007, 22:06
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RED666 RED666 is offline
Totally biased football fan!
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Posts: 22

My season ticket went up to £627 this year from £570. 3 seasons ago it was £437. Evan at £627 it was good value however due to my club's new season ticket policy and football generally taking the piss out of us fans, i've not renewed it this season. It broke my heart to give my season ticket up, but enough is enough!

United's new policy is that all season ticket holders have to join the automatic home cup scheme. This means that you will be sent and charged for all home cup games, even if your not able to make the game. Bear in mind most cup cup games are mid week-Champion league, carling cup and FA replays- and we had 11 cup games last season, 7 of them mid week, total cost over £375. Plus their was no provision to send the tickets back and be refunded for them if you were unable to make the game. I believe due to pressure they have now made provision for tickets being returned, provided the game is a sell out and you loose 25% of the refund. Also for good measure my car park pass went up from £135 to £230 for the season and the meal in the suite was bumped to £25 from £17.

Were does it stop? Is the next policy to make us pay for all away games up front 1st?

So it was with a very heavy heart that i declined my club's invitation to renew my season ticket. I'm still regretting!!

By the way i had 2 awsome seats in tier 2, 10 seats from the front behind the goal in the Stretford End!!!!!

I'm now a club member - there's 172,000 of us that are entitled to apply for 10,000 tickets. thats on top of the 55,000 season ticket holders!

So far so good, i've got tickets for Spurs tomorrow and Sunderland next Saturday, just waiting for the Chelsea ballot.

I started in life with nothing and i've managed to keep hold of most of it
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