Last nights forum game report........
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January 9th, 2009, 10:58
talk sport tipster
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Newmarket
Posts: 25,347
Last nights forum game report........
Legin1961 kindly donated $100 to the pot from his great win the week before a super gesture which just goes to prove what a great community we have got ....Thanks once again Nigel...
A very strong field of 14 members logged on to Laddies for the 7pm start and with two seven seater tables this looked like it was going to be a tough night.
Table One..
The Richo
Part Timer
Table Two
The Captain
Now i cant comment about what went on over at table one as i was too ingrossed in what was happening on my table....
The one think i did spot was Taylormade had a terrible seat in the middle of two players from the Sunderland part of the north east...
Anyway back to my table and the chips were flying about nearly every hand....
.....Pokerjohnny was seeing more flops then Mark Hughes and Bennythedip was taking on te role of schoolboy bully.....
An early lead was taken by Part Timer who seemed to be amassing chips quite easily which wasnt that difficult as that was an easy table....
The first player to exit was
and im sure he was quite happy to get away from the mackens..
Early leader and "mainly pub player"
Part Timer
was the next casualty again from table one...After building a massive stack early the dream was over..
Good news for us on table two was Pokerjohhnys switch to the other table as he was becoming a right pain in the arse calling all my bets and then totally out playing me on the flop......
Next to exit was once again from table one
this ment all our north east friends had gone in the first three spots..
was next out and with his departure we had
The Final Table..
The Richo
The Captain
This had the look of a very exciting FT and we were not going to be disappointed....
First to go in 10th was The Richo (Claire) who i think went all in ahead against PJ only to see the flop and turn go against her ending her chances of taking the tittle...
The next player making his way from the table in 9th was
whos all in pocket Aces were called by Tony2005's all in pocket kings...
The flop contained another ace but also three hearts and with Tony holding the king to Pkrplaya's non heart aces we all knew the Laddies flush was coming....It didnt on the turn and Tony was dead to a Heart....Of course he didnt need to worry as the river provided the heart required and another Laddies bad beat story was to be had...Very unlucky Pkrplaya...
After that things calmed down for a short while until
pushed with his 2/7 on a flop containing a 2 and a flush draw only to lose out and exit in 8th..
finally made the long walk in 7th when he pushed all in and was called by Davetheduke who won the pot with three aces and a queen kicker.....
Down to six and with the game now warming up nicely players were looking to make some moves and one of these saw the end of
The Captain
whos pocket two's were no match for PJ's two pair and we were down to five....
Plenty of great poker was now being played and as we neared the break for the second hour
was sent packing when he ran into Legins pocket nines and saw another on the flop...
Down to four and someone was going to be "bubble boy"......
What a bubble it turned out to be with Tony and Davetheduke being the shorter stacks but just about having enough chips to get respect when they put in raises and both played their shorter stacks well
A few hairy moments for both players but still they survived and it just goes to prove that sometimes its not about winning hundreds and thousands of pounds playing poker when Davetheduke announced he should have been at his darts match an hour ago....
Back and forth the chips went until......we had our "bubble boy"..
After nearly an hour of four seater play
pushed all in only to watch as Legin made a full house to win the pot and after a great game Dave was gone. Nice to see you getting involved Dave and hopefully you enjoyed the game..
Into the money places now and the chip stacks were...
Tony2005 managed to get to 20,000 but everytime he found a winner he was finding a loser and was up and down more often then Jodie Marsh's knickers....
Eventually he met his waterloo and out in third when having only about 6k he decided to push with J10 suited only to be called by PJ holding K7 the flop of KQ7 gave Tony a great chance but an 8 on the turn didnt help and when the queen hit the river to make PJ a full house
was exiting with his head held high and his bank account a little bigger with his 3rd place finish....
Heads up and with both players nearly level on chips it was anyones to win....
But what happened next was last seen all those years ago in the boxing ring when Roberto Duran quit on his stool against Sugar Ray Leanord....
called "no mas" and this great gesture left us with a worthy and popular winner..
who was crowned the champ spot on the Three hour mark....
It was a superb night and as usual played in great spirit with everyone taking the bad beats etc with great dignity and sportsmanship even if they were kicking the cat out of our earshot....
Hopefully we can have another game very soon and on behalf of the forum a big thanks once again to
for putting up some cash and also to everyone who took part making it a great nights entertainment.....
.. The July Festival Tipster Starts Thursday...
Last edited by Tony2005; January 9th, 2009 at
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