Customer care

...WHAT customer care
3 times in the last 3 weeks ive been on the phone to sort this Alias business out...every time it's a different poker manager and every time they say the same thing they are waiting for micro gaming to come back to them

...Well enough is enough..i told this poker manager they had 2 choices, either change the alias or close the account ...
they kept me on the phone for 15 mins and came back saying, they were waiting for micro gaming to come back to them

So what happened the other two times ??
What happened to the other two times when i phoned, when i asked this poker manager she said, "there are no records of anyone trying to sort it out"

...I told her, " Dont bother close the poker account, Ladbrokes are not interested so neither am i , there must be another poker site that wants some custom"
What a way to run a business

And do you know what, I feel as if a stone has been lifted from my shoulders !!
As much as i enjoyed going on a "poker cruise" To Florida and the Caribbean" and going to "EPT Barcelona" with them, and having a share in the race horse,

i'm glad i'm out, my days with Ladbrokes are over......
Account Closed