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Old February 27th, 2009, 22:44
only1herbie only1herbie is offline  
Oldham’s premier stud(retired)
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 4,189
Default End of Month thoughts on "new" Laddies

All things considered I am really enjoying the “new” Laddies poker. I have found the cash games very weak (and I am a truly awful cash game player) I must have had 20 winning sessions out of the last 21 sessions. Now they have not been huge winning sessions but in 10 days of playing cash I have climbed into the top 1000 in the rake race.

I like the fact there is so much dead money in MTTs early on and it is possible to build good chip stacks by betting with the nuts and you will be called (in fact I have not found a bet big enough to to stop people calling you with a gut shot draw or bottom pair). On the down side all the MTT do turn into crap shoots after 3 or 4 hours. I feel a big payout coming soon, I am getting my money in good the majority of times and all I need is for the odds to hold up in a big hand and then it will be come to daddy!!

STTs I am not enjoying these much mainly due to the fact that I have played 7 and not cashed in any, I think I will try rounder’s when my cash game is found out!!

I have started to get the odd disconnection, this has not affected me greatly yet, but if it continues or gets worse then it could become a problem.
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