Just when you think the press couldn't get any nearer the sewer they stick there heads right in the shi't and come up smelling of cabbage and rotten eggs !!
Front page of Murdochs 'Sun' the story of Stuart Pearce 18 years ago (old news) racially abused Paul Ince, BUT they fail to say he apologised and both players were cool about it afterwards. No problems then, so why bring it up again now 18 yeatrs later ~
'The Sun' leads the way, always slagging off any England football manager, the job is a poison chalice to anyone, why would anyone want the job, with friends like our media you wouldn't it, and if they (the media) want you out, they'll find something from the past and keep smearing the shi't over the papers trying to sell papers ~
What happened to the days when the media got behind any team from England ~ The Sun is a disgrace to this country's sports people !!
To Murdoch and his band of bum'boys at that paper, the sooner they all fuc'k off the better !!