February 10th, 2012, 16:52
talk sport tipster
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Newmarket
Posts: 25,347
Well Benny the days of getting behind the national football team i think are long gone...
Firstly too many foreign managers have in my opinion spoilt the way we play at this level
Secondly the FA have made plenty of cock ups with their choices of manager and also how long they give these contracts out for...
And thirdly the batch of players we have had for the last few years seem to treat the England games as a "jolly boy" few days get togethers to discuss how much they all earn and what they spend it on rather then playing with passion for their country..
We need a manager firstly who speaks clear and understandable English and who doesnt pick the team around how big a name you are and instead pick players in form regardless of wage packet etc...

.. The July Festival Tipster Starts Thursday...