Thread: Novelty bets
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Old December 16th, 2012, 18:39
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Tony2005 Tony2005 is offline  
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What you will find is that the people who watched the paralympics arnt really that into sport so have drifted away and will not be at all interested in the Sports personality awards...

Thus meaning those two will have NO chance tonight even though it would have been great for that side of sport to win..

Andrew Murray has done well this year but will not get enough votes due to being a little dull..

Wiggins has been fav for a while but has gone off the front pages and that may go against him..

That just leaves Jessica Ennis, Mo Farah and Rory Mcilroy to battle out for the top prize..

Golfs never done that well as individual voting goes and of course the Ryder cup team will win the TEAM OF THE YEAR but alas not to be for Rory..

Mo might go close but i think 2nd is his best chance

Overseas personality should be Usain Bolt

Ennis will pick up plenty of late votes to take the overall title......
.. The July Festival Tipster Starts Thursday...
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