Thread: sng poker horor
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Old January 15th, 2013, 23:53
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Default sng poker horor

Laddies started a promotion today,play 10 sng's and win a scratch card, I been playing for about 6 hrs , opened 18 scratch cards and never had a sniff,3 prizes, watches,iphone or tournament ticket, I had binoculars,racing cars,dummies,plant pots,game controller,a car key,a tazer gun,a hat, everything except a winning symbol and you need three of them to win a prize, im thinking they have a dodgey bunch of scratch cards, would of thought they might have thrown in a few near misses, just as im typing this opened I have another scratchcard to open and the first two symbols are tag watches, one more for a win, back to hats and binoculars and no win on this one either, Im ALL POKERED OUT, think thats about 190 sngs played today, Im down £8 but have earned a few poker points,Its been interesting playing today but Ive had enough now, goodnight.
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