Thread: sng poker horor
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Old January 23rd, 2013, 17:04
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taylormade taylormade is offline  
I am Titty fancier
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: newcastle/falkirk
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just played a $1 super turbo SNG , some poor guy bubbled when his a-a ran into my q-j suited, the abuse this guy spouted after the hand was hilarious, a few nazi salutations,followed by a few ladbrokes is fixed comments and ends up saying ' I hope you both Die', all this for a $2 or $4 payout, then one of ladbrokes pokermanagers remarks please refrain from abusive language blah blah and gets the retort f*** off you stupid f****** C***,you must be blind cos your the biggest w***** ON THE NET,

I think this is why i still play poker online, I loveit when somebody looses the plot,
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