What a good result again, our ol mate "Ian(Crapper) Cox"

came 5th on the final table of the "Grosvenor UK Poker Tour" in Plymouth, picking up a nice 12.5k

. the winner "Julian Thew" picked up a cool total of 73k

Ian (Crapper)Cox really has become a class act over these last few years, and it seems he's riding the crest of his game.
What makes Ian such a good player is probably not only his ability to be able to grind it out when needs be but his ability to spot weakness in others game , along with his impeccable timing and confidence in his own game. .
Over the years i have met a lot of the top names in British Poker and can honestly say Ian is right up there with the best, and when talking to him, or asking advice, i'd put him alongside my old pal 'Mick McGee' and the late great 'Hamish Sha'....... Ian, "I'm made up for ya mate" great stuff !!.
