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Old February 1st, 2013, 13:05
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Dobie2089 Dobie2089 is offline
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Originally Posted by tiredeyes View Post
You can play a greater range of hands 6 handed versus 10 handed, just think of the cards in play, 20 cards in play in a 10 seater, that's nearly half the deck before the flop.

I much prefer the short handed game, you can represent more often, your opening range is much wider and you'll also have the all important position more times an hour than you will 10 handed. I think the short handed game suits the LAG player (this is definitely me) and 10 handed suits the TAG player more, just my opinion.
yea that makes a lot of sense tiredeyes , id always thought of myself as more of a TAG player , but perhaps i morph into its cousin on 6 max
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