Hugo Boss
As a non Chelsea supporter i feel you are being a bit harsh on Jose, whilst his decisions at times could have been questioned (we used wonder why Fergie insisted on playing his love child Fletcher and i bet the Scousers are wondering about Raffa at times and Arsene has also lost the plot at times) he has still done you boys proud. I suspect he's pissed off with the people who know less than him about football matters sticking their noses in, even if they own club.Whilst we're owned buy a bunch of greedy, leprechaun looking twats, at least they don't interfere with football matters (so far).
I'll be at OT on sunday for the game. Chelsea will either do it for Jose and play like the best team ever in the world or they will implode and we'll do an Arsenal on them, that's when the Arse lost 6-1 at OT, they were 5-1 down before half time and they were leaving before the 2nd half, i was there, a very funny moment, particulary with Teddy warming up infront of the Arsenal fans and we're sing 'Teddy Teddy what's the score, Teddy what's the score?'
These could be tough times for Chelsea. I dread the time when Fergie packs up as i suspect it will real tough times for us then
I started in life with nothing and i've managed to keep hold of most of it