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Online Poker is the software manipulated

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Old September 13th, 2007, 20:53
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Default Online Poker is the software manipulated

ok ok ok , i know this is a "funny ol game".. and it's been said many times before about 'action hands' ! ...Im under the gun(FIRST HAND) Ac Kc, i double the blinds, then.................
(You know it) ...Allin ....Allin ...Allin ..Allin..Allin back to me , well fck it, im Allin....were 6 handed allin's.........
hands = me AcKc ..99 ...88... KhQh ...AdQd...AhJs.........The AJ wins with a flush on spades.....
Now the point is, in a real game these hole cards don't come out like this the very first hand !!!!!! Time and time it happens in low stake multies or freerolls oh yes it was a FREEZEout, admittedly it was a freeroll, but surely the software must be manipulated to make these early 'action hands" to eliminate the field quickly....are these companies using several differently programmes for different staked tournaments, using action software for low stakes ?microgaming.. i give up ...Ladbrokes... I despair .. Someone anyone, tell me it's not true and it's only me who thinks this
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Old September 15th, 2007, 16:50
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Benny it does seem sometimes like it's a fixed hand mate but what would the site gain from doing it if people are enjoying the game then they are more likely to stay and put money into the site
these hands do happen live not often i grant you but it does
all i can say mate is keep the faith
if you think about it 3 or 4 all ins chances are 2 or more are going to have A or K so limits your hand a bit your only saving grace in that hand as i see it was to hit a flush
don't take it the wrong way i'd of probably done the same lol
as for fixed gaming personally don't think so
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Old September 17th, 2007, 21:10
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Default Manipulated software ? ...

... the answer in my opinion is most definitely, for it is a program coded by humans after all.

One of the reasons that I play on Ladbrokes so little these days is because of the incredible things that I've seen on there......and I don't mean one-offs !

Last night I was the bounty in their $100K guranteed $100 rebuy tournie and I raised in last middle position with A 10 spades and was called in 2 spots (one of them the massive table chippie).

The flop came 10 high, rainbow and I pushed and was called by the chippie...the other guy folded.

The table chippie turns over A9, has no part of the flop and can only hit running 9s to win....but I kid you not that I was not surprised when that's exactly what happened !

Four or five years ago, I used to play online poker eight hours A DAY, every day....but these days, I probably play online about 8 hours A WEEK in total.

I much prefer the live game, because I truly believe that it's more honest and, although I still take beats, they are less often and certainly easier to accept !

The only reason that I still play online at all is that despite everything I still turn a profit and I guess that's the bottom line...lol.

Good luck at the wonky tables,

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Old September 17th, 2007, 21:28
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Hmmm my point was not that hands are deal to help individuals, but to create action to thin the field quickly..and show you the door to the next game : (",)

"Now the point is, in a real game these hole cards don't come out like this the very first hand !!!!!! Time and time it happens in low stake multies or freerolls"

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Old September 17th, 2007, 22:34
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Default Good point Barry

I play quite a few stts on Laddies and 7 out of 10 flops produce an ace or two matching suits, now i watch a lot of live poker on tv and i know that these programmes are cut to show the bigger pots but im sure the average flops are nowhere near the same sort of percentages as online.
Also towards the end of the stts the bigger stacks tend to hit much more then the short ones.
Like Barry said i think the RNGs are set up on certain games for quicker action leading to the turn over of the tables being quicker so the providers are getting their rake backs.
I dont believe we are far away from the day of truth with regards to online poker.
As im sure everyone is aware with fruit machines or any video betting terminal the payouts can be adjusted to suit, so why not the RNGs that are set up for online poker?
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