07:48 |
Hall Green Stadium 'It's all over now'
Racing at Hall Green Stadium will now be a thing of the past - (21st Jul 2016)
Greyhound track opened in the 1920s will now close to make way for more than 200 houses in Birmingham suburb Racing at Hall Green Stadium will now be a thing of the past Bulldozers can now move in to demolish Hall Green Stadium greyhound track and replace it with more than 200 new houses. Birmingham's planning chiefs today approved an application to replace the track, which opened in 1927, and 48-bedroom hotel with up to 210 houses. The plan has been plagued by controversy from the start with objectors saying it would cost jobs and the loss of a community asset while supporters cite the city's dire housing shortage Bennys View .. (Another council 'Sell Out' to the property dealers)
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here. |