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Black Belt Poker League XV (15) It's Back Starting May 22nd

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Old June 9th, 2012, 14:15
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Default Talksport Players rule the League !!

~ Livinginhope2 ~ Goes Top of the League

Happy as Barry in Leg 3
09 June 2012
Article by 'snoopy'

Barry 'JosseWales' Styles pulls out victory in Leg 3 of the latest Black Belt Poker League.
97 players were hoping to make it third time lucky this week as Leg 3 of the Black Belt Poker League took centre stage on Super Tuesday. The prize: $145.52, 122 league points, and entry into our end-of-season Second Chance SNG.

Former Champion and wooden spoon recipient 99Ranny fell short, as did reigning Champion ChipRead (73rd) and last week's winner bas2604 (73rd) - instead, the spoils went to Barry (JosseWales) Stlyes who pipped tealcSVU at the heads-up post.

1st JosseWales -- $145.52
2nd tealcSVU -- $97.00
3rd nickhem1 -- $60.62
4th nicenutter -- $46.07
5th PhilDee64 -- £36.37
6th NPStars1 -- $29.10
7th FalconAyr -- $24.25
8th cheekyweeguy -- $19.40
9th Elysiumjay -- $14.55
10th sprinterz -- $12.12

David (livinginhope2) Hall's 12th place finish left him painfully short of the money, but elevated him to the top of the overall standings by six points. The brief reshuffle means that the top five are all Orange Belts.

1st livinghope2 -- 300 points
2nd ryang3691 -- 294 points
3rd PhilDee64 -- 275 points
4th FalconAyr -- 273 points
5th Berajo -- 264 points
6th 13kendo13 -- 257 points
7th TeeDeeEye1 -- 254 points
8th eixip50 -- 249 points
9th Bartukbb -- 240 points
10th NPStars1 -- 239 points
11th liquidpoker101 -- 236 points
12th ourkidsid -- 227 points
13th wiggy7 -- 223 points
14th 4KSuited -- 223 points
15th UsainZeus88 -- 222 points
16th jojosiejo -- 221 points
17th bas2604 -- 220 points
18th cheekyweekyguy -- 218 points
19th Ourkid888 -- 215 points
20th ToddCoxeter -- 212 points

The Champion over eights legs will receive free entry into the Nottingham Live at Dusk Till Dawn.
For those battling the Poker Gods, then our weekly satellites offer an alternative route.
This week saw two more players secure their seat:

Probably one of the best online poker leagues @ only $5.50c entry . Join NOW and use "referral pro-mo code" 'jossewales' to boost your first months player points glk
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
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Old June 14th, 2012, 19:08
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Default Result Leg 4 !

Orange Belt Roars to Victory
14 June 2012
Malcolm ‘lionrampant27’ Sievwright is this week’s mane man as he triumphs in leg 4 of Black Belt Poker League XV.

The Mane Man Malcolm lionrampant27 Sievwright beat an 87-strong field in Tuesday's League event to take down the $130.52 top prize, league points, and entry into our end-of-season Second Chance SNG.

His heads-up opponent was fellow Orange Belt Tony 7onyB Booth, who narrowly missed out on the win and will have to settle for $87 and eighth place on the leaderboard instead.

Congratulations to the 10 players who cashed this week:

1st lionrampant27 -- $130.52
2nd 7onyB -- $87.00
3rd RiverSiren -- $54.37
4th 45683ah -- $41.32
5th Yosemity2207 -- $32.62
6th 13kendo13 -- $26.10
7th FalconAyr -- $21.75
8th ASSASSIN1111 -- $17.40
9th gazthechippy -- $13.05
10th nakgeela4 -- $10.87
Jemma LillJem Pateman was the unlucky bubble, whilst reigning Champion Craig ChipRead77 McKelvie and last week’s winner Barry JosseWales Styles also fell short and finished in 55th and 51st place respectively.

However, Stephen FalconAyr Dickson's second consecutive seventh place finish secures him his first place position on the leaderboard.

The current leaderboard standings are as follows: our own "Livinginhope2" (Dave) right up there still

1st FalconAyr -- 360 points
2nd livinginhope2 -- 358 points
3rd 13kendo13 -- 347 points
4th TeeDeeEye1 -- 327 points
5th ryang3691 -- 322 points
6th eixip50 -- 315 points
7th liquidpoker101 -- 312 points
8th 7onyB -- 308 points
9th 45683ah -- 307 points
10th NPStars1 -- 303 points
11th Bartukbb -- 297 points
12th gazthechippy -- 290 points
13th lionrampant27 -- 288 points
14th PhilDee64 -- 285 points
15th Berago -- 271 points
16th Barty1uk -- 268 points
17th wiggy7 -- 265 points
18th ourkidsid -- 263 points
19th bornToflirt -- 264 points
20th adygolf -- 258 points

The new Champion of the Black Belt Poker League XV wins free entry into Nottingham Live at DTD in August. Don’t worry though if things aren’t quite going to plan, as this isn’t your only cheap route into the tournament of the year. The poker savvy will be following in the footsteps of this week’s satellite winners to secure their seats...

Other Results on BBP

$15+1.50 freezeout, 14 runners:

1st Sleazysock -- Nottingham Live Seat ($200+20)
2nd cheekyweeguy
3rd The8ofSpades
4th hoover65
5th ODPaul1982

$5+0.50 rebuy, 17 runners:

1st dlamonby -- Nottingham Live Seat ($200+20)
3rd 0LuckBeerLady0
4th Elysiumjay
5th bas2604

$30+3 freezeout, 16 runners:

1st S0lution -- Nottingham Live seat ($200+20)
2nd ajaybhadresa -- Nottingham Live seat ($200+20)
3rd insider66666 -- $18.00
4th Chefa777 -- $12.00
5th hoover65 -- $6.00
6th BlapoBrat -- $4.00

The Mulligan Deepstack saw 23 runners this week. Congratulations to eixip50, taking home $138 for the win:

1st eixip50 -- $138 (50 Belt Points)
2nd jimmyt31 -- $93.15 (30 Belt Points)
3rd tealcSVU -- $51,75 (10 Belt Points)
4th myteamouse -- $34.50 (10 Belt Points)
5th 4KSuited -- $27.60 (5 Belt Points)

Finally, this week’s Orange Belt Freeroll was Satellite Sensation. Congratulations to Mark russellhansen Brassington for topping the 52-runner field. This week’s League winner lionrampant27 finished in fifth place and eixip50 followed up his Mulligan success with a seventh place exit.

The top 12 players won Nottingham Live satellite tokens:

1st russellhansen -- $30+3, $15+1.50, $5+0.50 & $5+0.50 feeder tokens
2nd UiliKoko -- $30+3 & $5+0.50 feeder tokens
3rd maffew1 -- $15+1.50 & $5+0.50 feeder tokens
4th bagpussrocks -- $15+1.50 token
5th lionrampant27 -- $5+0.50 & $5+0.50 feeder tokens
6th LillJem -- $5+0.50 & $5+0.50 feeder tokens
7th eixip50 -- $5+0.50 & $5+0.50 feeder tokens
8th livinginhope2 -- $5+0.50 feeder token
9th gingerninga1111 -- $5+0.50 feeder token
10th TeeDeeEye1 -- $5+0.50 feeder token
11th KBV1TALS -- $5+0.50 feeder token
12th sprinterz -- $5+0.50 feeder token

Join us next week when it all starts all over again.

Even if you don't have an account with Black Belt Poker, then it's not too late to join in the fun and partake in our many tournaments. Opening one is easy: simply click here download the poker client and follow the step-by-step provided.
Use sign up code 'jossewales' to help you double your points through the first month !!

Previous Reports:

Merry Men in League XV
Week 1 - 'UsainZeus' Sets Pace in League XV
Week 2 - 'Bas2604': Straight Ahead
Week 3 - Happy as Barry in Leg

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Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
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Old June 24th, 2012, 11:37
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Default Result Leg 5 ~ BBP league

RiverSiren Sails to Victory in Leg 5
22 June 2012
By Annabel Jones
Warren 'RiverSiren' Posnett ships leg 5 whilst league leader 'FalconAyr' finishes second.

Ship It Warren RiverSiren Posnett made waves this week when he topped the 77-runner field and took down the $115.52 first prize in the latest leg of the Black Belt Poker League.

Steve FalconAyr Dickson was stopped mid-flight when RiverSiren defeated him heads-up. Instead, second place had to suffice, but it was a result that sealed his position at the top of the leaderboard for another week.

The top 10 finishers in this week’s league game cashed. Congratulations to:

1st RiverSiren -- $115.25
2nd FalconAyr -- $77
3rd PhilDee64 --$48.12
4th Barty1uk -- $36.57
5th livinginhope2 -- $28.87
6th nakgeela4 -- $23.10
7th stevegw -- $19.255
8th habbad -- $15.40
9th NPStars1 -- $11.55
10th paul6543 -- $9.62

This week’s league game has resulted in a few changes on the leaderboard: TeeDeeEye1 and PhilDee64 have both moved up whilst "livinginhope2’s" fifth place finish means he stays in second position overall.

Last week’s league game winner, Malcolm lionrampant Sievwright, didn’t fare so well this time around; he was knocked out in 32nd place and so remains in 13th position on the leaderboard for the time being. Meanwhile, RiverSiren’s recent success means he just sneaks into 20th place.

Here are the top 20:

1st FalconAyr -- 454 points
2nd livinginhope2 -- 441 points
3rd TeeDeeEye1 -- 390 points
4th PhilDee64 -- 375 points
5th NPStars1 -- 374 points
6th 13kendo13 -- 369 points
7th 7onyB -- 366 points
8th liquidpoker101 -- 363 points
9th Barty1uk -- 354 points
10th ryang3691 -- 352 points
11th Bartukbb -- 336 points
12th Berajo -- 335 points
13th lionrampant27 -- 334 points
14th eixip50 -- 330 points
15th ToddCoxeter -- 318 points
16th bornTOflirt -- 316 points
17th 45683ah -- 307 points
18th habbad -- 299 points
19th gazthechippy -- 299 points
20th RiverSiren -- 292 points

Well done again Dave .. glk and looking good for the run in three to go !

Nottingham Live will be upon us before you know it… and two more players have secured their seats on the cheap in one of our Nottingham Live Satellites. Congratulations to Touagorimou and ryang3691 who snapped up the two guaranteed seats in Wednesday’s $30+3 qualifier.

1st Touagorimou -- Nottingham Live seat ($200+20)
2nd ryang3691 -- Nottingham Live seat ($200+20)
3rd Snotterz
4th paul6543
5th StilettoMafiosa

The Mulligan Deepstack saw 18 entrants this week, but it was Purple Belt Paul paul6543 Romain who triumphed:

1st paul6543 -- $121.50 (100 belt points)
2nd RykanShadow -- $81 (30 belt points)
3rd ourkidsid -- $40.50 (10 belt points)
4th 4KSuited -- $27 (5 belt points)
5th Touagorimou -- (5 belt points)

There’s no better way to round up this week’s report than with the results of the Orange Belt Freeroll. There were four varyingly sized slices of action up for grabs this week - the following four players will now be keeping a keen eye on Warren Wooldridge’s WSOP progress:

1st liquidpoker101 -- $100 slice of the action
2nd RykanShadow -- $50 slice of the action
3rd bagpussrocks -- $25 slice of the action
4th dionysian -- $25 slice of the action

That wraps up this week’s action. Join us again next week when it all starts over again. Good luck at the tables!

Previous Reports:

Merry Men in League XV
Week 1 - 'UsainZeus' Sets Pace in League XV
Week 2 - 'Bas2604': Straight Ahead
Week 3 - Happy as Barry in Leg 3
Week 4 - Orange Belt Roard to Victory

update BTD
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
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Old June 24th, 2012, 12:24
livinginhope livinginhope is offline
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thanks barry. enjoying this so far. fair play to that falconayr person hes played well and been consistant with his finishes every game up to now. hope he bombs out early this week though.
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Old July 1st, 2012, 19:30
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Default ( Leg 6) BBP League and other results !

Running Like God-son
29 June 2012
by Annabel Jones

Ryan 'ryang3691' Godson reclaims a top-three spot with victory in Leg 6 of League XV.
Running like God-son Ryan ryang3691 Godson crucifies an 86-runner field to emerge victorious in Leg 6 of the Black Belt Poker League. He wins $129 and moves into third place on the leaderboard overall.

Despite a valiant effort from Craig craigsidders Sidders, he lost heads-up and pocketed $86. Meanwhile, congratulations to Richard nakgeela4 Dally who finished in the top ten for the third time in a row.

However, repeat success was not to be for last week’s winner… as RiverSiren exited the tournament in 23rd place.

Once again, 10 players cashed in this week’s leg. Congratulations to:

1st ryang3691 -- $129
2nd craigsidders -- $86
3rd sceaga2 -- $53.75
4th nakgeela4 -- $40.85
5th tandy26 -- $32.25
6th ElysiumJay -- $25.80
7th tealcSVU -- $21.50
8th bagpussrocks -- $17.20
9th nickhem1 -- $12.90
10th themackem1968 -- $10.75

The leaderboard sees a few changes as ryang3691’s win moves him up to third position overall. Steve FalconAyr Dickson now sits in second place whilst David livinginhope2 Hall has cruised to the top of the standings.

Here’s how the leaderboard is looking this week: Only two weeks left !!

1st livinginhope2 -- 498 points
2nd FalconAyr -- 491
3rd ryang3691 -- 463 points
4th PhilDee64 -- 450 points
5th NPStars1 -- 434 points
6th 7onyB – 415 points
7th liquidpoker101 -- 413 points
8th TeeDeeEye1 – 405 points
9th 13kendo13 -- 404 points
10th Bartukbb -- 404 points
11th eixip50 -- 400 points
12th Barty1uk -- 399 points
13th lionrampant27 -- 387 points
14th Berajo -- 383 points
15th craigsidders -- 378 points
16th ToddCoxeter -- 369 points
17th nakgeela4 -- points 366
18th habbad -- 366 points
19th RiverSiren -- 356 points
20th bornTOflirt -- 355 points


Feeder satellites ran for both the Samurai and Nottingham Live. Congratulations to the winners who now go on to compete for their seats in the main events:

Monday, $5.50 Nottingham Live Feeder:

1st sixnout -- Nottingham Live satellite seat ($30+3)
2nd cheekyweeguy
3rd losbert40
4th SchnauzerSoze04

Tuesday, $5.50 Nottingham Live Feeder:

1st paul6543 -- Nottingham Live satellite seat ($30+3)
2nd LuckyJJhazan
3rd MrsPeech
4th losbert40

Tuesday, $5.50 Samurai Satellite Feeder:

1st ourkidsid -- Samurai satellite seat ($35+3.50)
2nd S0lution
3rd JHobbit1
4th gnomeeee

Wednesday, $5.50 Samurai Satellite Feeder:

1st S0lution -- seat into $35+3.50 Samurai Satellite ($35+3.50)
2nd JosseWales
3rd losbert40
4th gnomeeee

The Deepstack Mulligan came around again and attracted 21 runners. Congratulations to Anthony BoraBoraBoy Giuntini who took it down for a $126 pay day:

1st BoraBoraBoy -- $126
2nd OurKid888 -- $85.05
3rd tristiano -- $47.25
4th StilettoMafiosa-- $31.50
5th Elysiumjay -- $25.20

This week the Orange Belt Freeroll offered a seat to Nottingham Live for the lucky winner. (Lucky) !!! (Bloody cheek, Annabel)
goes to "Barry JosseWales Styles" finished top of the 49-strong field and secured his entry into the event for free.

The results from this week’s Orange Belt Freeroll are as follows:

1st JosseWales -- Nottingham Live Seat ($200+20)
2nd dionysian -- Nottingham Live Satellite token ($30+3)
3rd TeeDeeEye1 -- Nottingham Live Satellite token ($30+3)
4th LilJem -- Nottingham Live Satellite token ($30+3)

Join us next week when it starts all over again. Good luck!

Even if you don't have an account with Black Belt Poker, then it's not too late to join in the fun and partake in our many tournaments. Opening one is easy: simply download the poker client and follow the step-by-step provided.
(Dont forget to use sign up code > jossewales < to boost your first months points)

Merry Men in League XV
Week 1 - 'UsainZeus' Sets Pace in League XV
Week 2 - 'Bas2604': Straight Ahead
Week 3 - Happy as Barry in Leg 3
Week 4 - Orange Belt Roard to Victory
Week 5 - RiverSiren Sails to Victory in Leg 5

Come on Dave, two weeks to go, you can do it !!
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
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Old July 4th, 2012, 18:18
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Default Update

Quick update of last nights league on Black Belt Poker

Dave (livinginhope2) was very unlucky when short stacked to see his 'all-in' bet of around 10bb's, get called in two seats !!

Dave shows Q Q, other players show 10 8 and A J ~~
Flop 10 8 4, turn blank, river Ace . Talk about sick, if the first one got him wounded , the second one finished him off !!
Still he may be still top or at least in the top three, I think around 50 pts last night ~~

Oh just one other thing, my mate Lee (mackem) made the final table to finish around 6th/7th ~
But none could stop the outlaw "Josse Wales" from shooting up the final table and take down the game around midnight

Full report at the weekend
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Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
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Old July 4th, 2012, 18:21
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Default oh Dave

if your there, dont forget the orange belt Freeroll tonight Wed at 7 30
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
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Old July 4th, 2012, 18:24
livinginhope livinginhope is offline
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well done last night barry . blitzed the field again two wins out of the seven games, brilliant.
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Old July 5th, 2012, 23:06
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Default "JosseWales" strikes again !!

05 July 2012
By, Annabel Jones ~

Barry 'JosseWales' Styles wins his second leg of the latest Black Belt Poker League.
T'Internet Pokers There was $129 up for grabs in this week's League outing, and it was Barry JosseWales Styles who fashioned his way to the win.

DContour1 fell at the last hurdle and finished in second place, cashing for $86.

Peter Touagorimou Brown just escaped the bubble with a 10th place finish and now shifts up to 17th place on the leaderboard.

Here are the top 10 players from leg 7:

1st JosseWales -- $129
2nd DConTour1 -- $86
3rd Thehingster -- $53.75
4th Speighty84 -- $40.85
5th BobbersAllin -- $32.25
6th S0lution -- $25.80
7th themackem1968 -- $21.80
8th nickhem1 -- $17.20
9th tandy26 -- $12.90
10th Touagorimou -- $10.75

The leaderboard has changed once again, with Steve FalconAyr Dickson reclaiming the top spot after finishing in 14th place. Last week’s winner, Ryan ryang3691 Godson, has slipped down to fifth position, after being overtaken by PhilDee and NPStars1.

1st FalconAyr -- 564 points
2nd livinginhope2 -- 533 points
3rd PhilDee64 -- 511 points
4th NPStars1 -- 500 points
5th ryang3691 -- 499 points
6th TeeDeeEye1 -- 476 points
7th 13kendo13 -- 453 points
8th eixip50 -- 445
9th 7onyB -- 445 points
10th lionrampant27 -- 439 points
11th habbad -- 438 points
12th Bartukbb -- 436 points
13th Barty1uk -- 433 points
14th liquidpoker101 -- 424 points
15th ToddCoxeter -- 409 points
16th losbert40 -- 404 points
17th Touagorimou -- 402 points
18th Berajo -- 402 points
19th nickhem1 -- 399 points
20th craigsidders -- 388 points


The Samurai takes place next month. The $5.50 Tuesday Feeder saw six runners this week with one seat guaranteed into the $35+3.50 Satellite:

1st eixip50 – Samurai satellite token ($35+3.50)
2nd JHobbit1
3rd Stevegw
The Deepstack Mulligan was upon us once again on Wednesday and attracted 18 entrants. Congratulations to Bob myteamouse Bulman who took it down this week:

1st myteamouse -- $121.50 (100 Belt Points)
2nd nickhem1 -- $81 (30 Belt Points)
3rd sprinterz -- $40.50 (10 Belt Points
4th Bambury -- $27 (5 Belt Points)
5th Ourkid888 (5 Belt Points)


This week’s Orange Belt Freeroll offered a Slice of the Action to the top four finishers. Those players now have a chance at big money should Neil Channing stride to further success at this year’s WSOP.

1st TeeDeeEye1 -- $100 Slice of the Action
2nd eixip50 -- $50 Slice of the Action
3rd WiseOwlBob -- $25 Slice of the Action
4th BoraBoraBoy -- $25 Slice of the Action

That wraps up this week’s report. Next week may be the final leg of the current League, but don’t forget that even if you haven’t played a single leg previously, you can still win entry into the Nottingham Live as all leg winners get to compete for a bonus seat in our Second Chance SNG.

Even if you don't have an account with Black Belt Poker, then it's not too late to join in the fun and partake in our many tournaments. Opening one is easy: simply download the poker client and follow the step-by-step provided.

Merry Men in League XV
Week 1 - 'UsainZeus' Sets Pace in League XV
Week 2 - 'Bas2604': Straight Ahead
Week 3 - Happy as Barry in Leg 3
Week 4 - Orange Belt Roard to Victory
Week 5 - RiverSiren Sails to Victory in Leg 5
Week 6 - Running Like God-son

7 down and one to go, this coming Tuesday ~
Then a weeks break before a new league starts ~~
Join BBP now and get ready for the fun , use sign up code " jossewales" to earn extra points in your first month !

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
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Old July 7th, 2012, 09:39
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will have a go at the next league to show you guys how its done, goodluck livinghope, dont play the last game like a girl, be courageous and shoot the falcon down early,none of this creeping up the points and hoping falcon gets pumped, GO FOR THE WIN.

GOODLUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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